Hi everyone
We know that the news about the latest lockdown was difficult for many, and so it’s time for us to provide another update about what these restrictions mean for OTR’s services and how we can help.
In line with the government restrictions and to protect the health and safety of our young people, staff and volunteers, all OTR buildings remain closed for the foreseeable future and there is no delivery of any face-to-face support.
However, as has been the case since the pandemic started, OTR has worked really hard to provide digital alternatives for all of our offers. You can visit the project pages on this website to find out more about each offer, and sign up if you like the sound of it. We’ve got some new projects on offer now, which may have not been there last time you looked, so do keep checking back – and share with your friends if you think they may find our sessions useful too. You can expect the same warm, safe and friendly environment and welcome from OTR online, just like you would if you came to us in person. Some of our projects have a waiting time, and these do change depending on demand, the service you choose, and your availability. Therefore, we encourage you to contact us via email (hello@otrbristol.org.uk) or phone (0808 808 9120, Mon-Fri 2-5pm) to discuss possible waiting times.
In addition to these sessions that require a sign-up, we’re also posting loads of informative and entertaining stuff on our social media, available to all. We’re providing really practical mental health and wellbeing tips about dealing with challenges the Coronavirus and lockdown throws up, as well as other videos, quizzes and live streams. Check out our list of helpful resources here.
We appreciate that this continues to be a really difficult time, and for many of you, OTR’s services and projects are an important part of your journey to feeling better and looking after yourself. Please stay in touch, keep talking, and let us know what would be useful to you. We really are listening and responding to what you tell us is helpful.
The vaccine is coming and better times are coming. We will all get through this!