
otrbristol | 13th December 2022

Support Over The Holidays 2022

Wow, what a year it’s been. We take a bit of downtime over the Holiday period, so we wanted to share the details: 

We close on the evening of Thursday 22nd December and re-open on Tuesday 3rd January 2023. 

That means all projects, groups and services connected to OTR (including Freedom, Project Zazi, Resilience Lab, Hubs, Enquiry Line etc) take a break for that period of time. While we won’t be able to get back to you during this time, we’ll aim to reply as quickly as we can when we reopen.

A note on Hubs:
17th December – last Saturday Hub (Bristol, face to face)
12th December – last Monday Hub (Bristol, face to face)
14th December – last Wednesday Hub (Yate, face to face)
Wednesday 4th January – engagement bookings via Calendly (chats to take place online)
Hubs to start back up again from Sat 7th January in-person (Bristol and South Glos)
Our Enquiry line will close 21st December – 4th January

If you need urgent support during the Festive period, we can recommend the following services:

  • Kooth – real-time, online support
    An online counselling platform for young people aged 11-18, allowing you to talk to a trained counsellor via webchat. You can also take part in discussion boards and read articles written by other young people
  • Childline – 0800 1111. 7:30am – 3.30am
    Helpline and webchat where you can talk about anything that’s on your mind
  • CAMHS Crisis Line 0800 953 9599. Open 24/7 365 days a year
    Immediate emotional and practical telephone support for young people aged 17 and under.
  • Papyrus HOPELINEUK – 0800 068 4141. 9am – 12am 365 days a year
    Offering phone support for young people experiencing suicidal thoughts. Text and email support also available
  • Samaritans – 116 123. Open 24/7 365 days a year
    Listening support for anyone who is struggling to cope and wants someone to talk to
  • Shout – text 85258. Open 24/7 365 days a year
    Text support for young people in crisis
  • CALM
    Helpline and webchat providing information and support
  • The Mix – 0808 808 4994 3pm – 12am everyday

If you’re based in North Somerset, here is a list of support that will remain open over the holiday period. 

Here are some OTR projects starting in January. If you sign up now, you’ll be contacted by us in the New Year.

Green Influencer Programme

Making Music for Mental Health

Young Advisors

The Resilience Lab for Young Adults

OTR Sounds

Yoga for Menstrual Support 

The Holiday season can be tough, here we’ve pulled together some tips to make your days brighter this winter. (You can download the below document here)
