What we do

We run various projects across Bristol and South Gloucestershire which you can find out about here. They have been designed with the help of young people, and all of them are delivered by a team of super-friendly staff and volunteers.
You can check out and sign-up directly below, but we’re always trying out ideas so new stuff starts throughout the year. To keep up to date with what’s going on, make sure you sign up to our regular e-newsletter. It’s packed with tips and tricks for looking after your mental health, as well information on the latest projects and how to get involved.
Filter Projects:
Creative Drop In
Art, Sport and Nature Programmes
Invite Us In
Invite OTR into your school, youth club, workplace or GP
Hubs are where you can find out more about what we do. Drop-in to one if you are not sure where to start.
Resilience Lab
Fun and informal stress management and self-help workshops for anyone who wants to learn more about good self-care.
Resilience Lab for Teens
Fun, interactive exercises for 11-16 year olds to help you learn all about self-care.
Resilience Lab for Young Adults
An in-person/online opportunity to develop emotional literacy and to discuss mental health in a supportive environment.
Mind Aid
A six-week group workshop for anyone struggling with difficult feelings related to stress, anxiety, low mood or depression.
Project Zazi
A variety of group and one-to-one support exploring issues of mental health, race, ethnicity and culture.
Sports Works
Nature Works
Support your mental health and wellbeing by connecting to the natural world with OTR.
Art Works
An arts-centred wellbeing project, acting to ensure creativity is accessible to all. We have many different projects running throughout the year.
OTR Sounds
OTR Sounds is a six-week course offering a space for young people aged 16-25 to come together through collaborative playlist creation, and discuss the stories that inspire our choices.
Woodwork and Wellbeing
Learning a new skill by connecting with natural materials in this 6 week project with Bristol Tree Craft
Mental Health Support Team
MHSTs are working with a small number of schools across Bristol and South Gloucestershire
A gender and sexuality youth group with specialist one-to-one support.
1:1 Therapies
A variety of different one-to-one therapies including counselling, as well as art therapy, drama therapy, and much more.
Bristol Hate Crime and Discrimination Services
OTR and Freedom are partnered with BHCDS as their LGBTQ+ Partner. Find out more about hate crime and how to get support.
Book Club
We run a monthly Book Club for 16-25 year olds which, in collaboration with Give a Book, provides free books to keep and discuss.
Schools & Outreach
Our outreach work in Bristol and South Gloucestershire schools, community and youth settings.
NHS Collaborations
Find out more about our exciting partnership work with children's and adult mental health services.