Back The Creative Drop In


The Pickle Factory

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Running dates


This is a great space to get creative whether you’ve tried it before or not. Each month we’ll be working with a new material but if you don’t fancy it you can do your own thing and use any of the materials in the room that excite you. How you participate is totally up to you!

You can find out about any and all of the creative projects going on at OTR here by chatting with Isla or our lovely team of Art Works volunteers. We’re here each week in person to chat about any thoughts, worries or questions you have.


Thursdays, 4:30-6:30pm


The Pickle Factory, All Hallows Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 0HL 

(the room where we’re based ‘the cafe’ is wheelchair accessible)


For 11-25 year olds

Everything at OTR is self-referral and free

What is the Creative Drop in?

What Happens?

How do I take part?


More of
what we do