Author Archives: otrbristol

OTR Training for 2017-18!

  After a successful first year offering training, OTR is pleased to release more tickets for training across 2017 and into 2018. Here at OTR we have over fifty years experience working with young people so you can expect experienced, highly knowledgeable and passionate trainers who live what they teach in their sessions. Our sessions are capped […]

OTR is on your Tellybox!

Over the past few weeks the BBC have been in and out of OTR filming young people for various bits and pieces for Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day. Today, the first of that footage airs – you can catch Madlen, who is a young volunteer with Mentality (and previously came to OTR for counselling), talking […]

HARM/LESS event with TESS

We’re looking forward to hosting this event with our friends from the Self Injury Support project TESS. Queries/bookings to The event will take place at Hamilton House, Stokes Croft. You can keep up to date with OTR’s HARM/LESS project on Facebook. Please feel free to circulate this flyer and webpage!

Introducing STRIVE!

Drama Therapy taster session for professionals

OTR’s Zazi project presents ‘Female Talk’

Made in partnership with LPW, OTR proudly presents the Zazi project and their film Female Talk.

Donations to OTR DOUBLED!

  Your donations to OTR between Tuesday 29th Nov – Friday 2nd Dec will be DOUBLED! OTR is taking part in The Big Give’s Christmas Challenge, the UK’s biggest online match funding campaign, which means anything you can give for our vital work with young people’s mental health will be DOUBLED in that time period! We want […]

Samya on being a Young Advisor at OTR…

Hi I’m Samya, I’m a second-year medical student at Bristol Uni and I joined the OTR Advisors after having experienced first-hand how fantastic OTR is and wanting to give something back for the significant effect it has had on my life. The work done here is invaluable, even with increased challenges posed by the government. […]

Review of A&E training

A message from The Mentality Project…

5 things you may not have known about OTR in South Glos

OTR supports young people in South Gloucestershire too – here’s some things you may not have known about our work outside of the Bristol boundary. 1. We are based at the Armadillo Café The Armadillo Café is an amazing place for young people to hang out – there’s basketball and table tennis facilities available, it hosts […]

Meet our friends at Kooth!

We’d like to give a virtual hat-tip to our friends at Kooth, who are doing excellent work to support young people online. The online counselling and well-being platform for children and young people is available at and is mobile-friendly ready for your smartphone. If you need to chat about something on your mind – […]

Freedom of Mind Conference – the programme!

We are now totally sold out for the Freedom of Mind Conference next Monday! Thank you to everyone who bought a ticket – we look forward to seeing you at At Bristol for a day of learning, collaborating and developing ideas. The funds raised from tickets comes directly to OTR and our support for young […]