Author Archives: otrbristol

Stand Together, Stick Together – “Has mental illness gone viral?”

FRIDAY: Part Five of our Stand Together, Stick Together #MHAW16 campaign: “Has mental illness gone viral?” Written by Mentality… There are two ways to view this question: Can you catch a mental illness? Has social media created a platform where it is much easier to talk about mental health and is this a good thing? Often during workshops, Mentality are […]

Stand Together, Stick Together – “My mental health is not an adjective”

THURSDAY: Part Four of our Stand Together, Stick Together #MHAW16 campaign: “My mental health is not an adjective”. Written by Mentality… Increasingly we are using mental ill health terms more; often in everyday language. Is this because mental health stigma is being broken down or is it because we are now recycling mental health myths in new ways? “I’m […]

Stand Together, Stick Together – “There is nothing romantic about suicide”

WEDNESDAY: Part Three of our Stand Together, Stick Together #MHAW16 campaign: “There is nothing romantic about suicide”. Written by Mentality… Is social media breaking down mental health stigma or romanticizing illnesses? The romanticization of the act of suicide has a long history, including in literature dating back to the eighteenth century (for example, Romeo and Juliet). More […]

Stand Together, Stick Together – “Everyone has mental health”

TUESDAY: Part Two of our Stand Together, Stick Together #MHAW16 campaign: “Everyone has mental health”. Written by Mentality… Are we still connecting mental health with illness such as depression, OCD and anxiety disorder? People often believe that the phrase “mental health’’ means having a mental illness. However, this is not the case – in fact, everyone has […]

Stand Together, Stick Together – “Anorexia does NOT have a gender”

MONDAY: Part One of our Stand Together, Stick Together #MHAW16 campaign: “Anorexia does not have a gender”. Written by Mentality… Why is anorexia used as a term to describe a skinny white women? Anorexia is often thought of as affecting only women, as this is what it is often portrayed in the media. However, this is […]

Good luck Rob!

Rob embarks on his mammoth trip to run a marathon up and around Everest today! We’re so grateful for what Rob is doing to fundraise for OTR, and we recorded a short video to express our gratitude and best wishes for the upcoming trip! GO ROB!

Working with Envision at St Mary Redcliffe & Temple School

We worked with Envision, who went on to design and run a social enterprise competition among secondary schools and scout/brownie groups in Bristol. With the knowledge and skills we passed on, a group of students from St Mary Redcliffe & Temple School (SMRT) are putting together a campaign centring on building mental health resilience – exclusively […]

GUEST BLOG: Speaking Up – by Mentality’s Grace

I first started seeking help for my mental health conditions as a teenager in the mid 2000s. Mental health then was not the ‘hot topic’ that it has become in recent years (although admittedly we still have a way to go even now). Very few people understood it, and even less wanted to take the […]

MENTALITY say: Stand Together, Stick Together

Post brought to you by OTR’s youth campaigning group, Mentality! Readers, we have a new challenge for you! You may be aware that last year The Mentality Project launched their campaign called My Mental Health is Not Adjective, or for short #NotAdjectives. The aim of the campaign is to encourage discussions around this question – is mental […]

Abseil for OTR!

We had so much fun today in Weston-Super-Mare abseiling to fundraise for OTR! Check out our gallery of pics! Invalid Displayed Gallery We estimate that today’s event at Uphill Quarry raised around £2,500 for OTR – which is an incredible amount, so thank you to everyone who donated to us! You can still do so […]

OTR in eating issues documentary ‘DISTORTED’ – watch clip

Abbey approached us to see if we’d say a few words on eating issues and their relationship with social media, and we gladly obliged. Her mini-documentary is part of a college course, and you can see our Clinical Director, Dr. Niklas Serning, sharing a few words on the subject in the video below. Congrats Abbey […]

Mind Aid from OTR

Introducing Mind Aid, a new OTR workshop on dealing with difficult feelings. 6.30-8pm on Tuesdays, first session Tues 26th April – at The Island, right next to The Station.