Author Archives: otrbristol

World Mental Health Day: My mental health is not an adjective!

On World Mental Health Day, Off the Record Bristol’s youth campaigning group Mentality are going to launch a new campaign with a huge social media push, asking people to discuss how our language around mental health may be adding to stigma. Mentality have created five videos, with corresponding posters, and will be aiming to go into every school in Bristol getting people […]

OTR Statement: Hate Crime

Each year in Bristol there are around 1600 incidents of hate crime. That is; crime motivated by prejudice towards an aspect of someone’s identity on the grounds of disability, race, religion, sexuality or gender identity. Those 1600 are only the incidents that get reported, how many more actually take place we’ll never know but it’s probably safe to […]

Freedom Youth throws a party!

We hope you can join us for a celebration of 20 years of Freedom Youth! Expect games, fancy dress, food, 1990s music, speeches, and lots of familiar faces old and new. We hope that as many old members and staff as possible can join us as well as the many professionals and friends of freedom […]

Rob runs Everest marathon in aid of Off the Record Bristol

Robert Lippiatt, 35 from Chessels, Bristol, will be embarking on the incredible feat of running the Tensing-Hillary marathon this summer in aid of local mental health charity Off the Record Bristol. The mammoth marathon, a 26.2 mile ascent of Everest, takes place annually and Rob will run in May 2016 for a cause close to […]

Mentality Project – guest bloggers are needed!

If you could say anything about mental health and the language around it, what would you say? …that’s what OTR’s youth campaigning group, Mentality, are asking. Mentality are looking for support to create social media content to support their newest campaign! Laura, who co-ordinates Mentality, explains more: Here at Mentality, we are creating a new mental health campaign focusing […]

Big thanks to Bristol Roller Derby!

A big OTR thanks go out to the great folks at Bristol Roller Derby! 01.08.15: cheque giving at UWE sports hall, by BRD to Off the Record. Credit: We’re fortunate enough to be Bristol Roller Derby‘s chosen charity for 2014/15, and in the last year they’ve been busy doing some epic fundraising for our work in mental […]

Gender Jelly from OTR

Do you identify on the Trans* spectrum and/or are you questioning your gender identity? Are you under the age of 25? The Gender Jelly project will be designing new and exciting resources about gender identity, Trans* identities and how to tackle Trans*phobic bullying in schools. Get your voice heard and make a change by getting […]

PRESS RELEASE: Freedom up for award!

LGBTQ project ‘Freedom’ by Off the Record Bristol nominated in the UK’s Largest Diversity Awards. Mental health charity Off the Record Bristol is delighted to announce that Freedom, its youth LGBTQ project, has been nominated in the Community Organisation category at The 2015 National Diversity Awards, which take place in Liverpool on 18th September. Freedom […]

#OTRis50: Messages from our friends

Off the Record is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Keep checking back to this space each to view a celebratory message from some of our friends… and from some faces you might recognise!

PRESS RELEASE: Rock The Record

Bristol set to rock this summer to celebrate 50 years of Off the Record Off the Record Bristol, a youth mental health charity celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, is excited to host a musical extravaganza Rock The Record on Friday 3rd July. The diverse night of entertainment (7-11pm) will directly benefit the front-line work […]

Our GSK winners’ film!

We recently won a prestigious GSK Impact Award! As part of the prize package, we had a whole bunch of awesome media made for OTR. Check out this film that the folks at GSK and Toucan Productions made all about the work that we do! Read more about our GSK Impact Award here. Here’s how […]

GUEST BLOG: Ben from Mentality on stress-busting music

  Say hello to Ben from Mentality, who is sharing some thoughts on the music he enjoys to get him through hard and stressful times.  Mentality is OTR’s youth campaigning group, who work to reduce the stigma around mental illness. Take it away Ben! How I deal with stress: These emotions are the reason music […]