Author Archives: otrbristol

Gender, Culture & Wellbeing

Off the Record (Bristol) are looking for young women aged 16-22 to take part in a Participatory Action Research (PAR) project starting in July 2013. PAR is a type of social research that explores the relationship between our individual experiences and wider society. As a researcher on this project you will get a new perspective […]

Mayor of Bristol to visit youth mental health service Off The Record.

We will be welcoming the Mayor of Bristol George Ferguson to OTR this Thursday, when he will be shown around our premises here on St. Michael’s Hill, before meeting members of our youth campaigning group, Mentality. We’re pleased that Mr. Ferguson has noted OTR’s work and decided to pay us a visit. For more on […]

OTR on Radio One today!

We’re pleased to be featured today on BBC Radio One’s Newsbeat on the topic of mental health funding. You can listen to Carina and Pete, who both volunteer for our Mentality project, on the 12.45pm and 5.45pm bulletins. We’ve also been featured in this article by Newsbeat. Thank you to BBC Radio One for taking […]

Mentality’s Comic Relief Quiz Night!

Comic Relief is coming up soon (15th March!) and Mentality is on a mission! Mentality are planning a great night at their new home, The Station! Mentality are hosting a quiz night, open mic and raffle. There will also be a cake sale and refreshments available. Its going to be an amazing night, with a […]

Mentality update – January 2013!

Happy New Year! It’s been a while. Here at Mentality, we’ve been pretty busy over the past few months. We’ve mostly been working on our resource pack for schools – there’s only 3 weeks left until our deadline so quite a lot of work to do, but it’ll be worth it in the end! The […]

OTR at The Station!

Hey peeps! OTR has now officially taken over two big rooms on the 3rd Floor of The Station, Bristol’s new multi-purpose multi-million pound one-top-shop for young people!! We’re up on the third floor with Brook, the sex and relationships people, but our neighbours also include Young Bristol, 222 Project, Basement Studio and the YMCA, who […]

Taking over @Bristol52!

For the next week, we’re taking over the @Bristol52 Twitter account! Find us here for chat about all things OTR and all things Bristol >, and you can listen to Bristol52’s organiser Jake talking about the project here.

Mentality’s mental health roadshow!

As you more eagle eyed readers may know, this week, the 10th October, was World Mental Health Day. As days go this was a big one for both Off The Record and the Mentality team and one we were eagerly anticipating. With the help of Off the Record the Mentality Volunteers managed to fill the […]

Mentality goes to Downing Street!

Mentality traveled to Downing Street yesterday to be presented with a prestigious Philip Lawrence Award. The youth group won the award in 2011 and was presented with certificates yesterday at a reception, with guests including David Blunkett, George Osborne and local MP Stephen Williams. For more info on this, click through to Mentality’s page!

Off The Record goes to Preston: Global Conversations conference!

Liam (Media Officer) and Laura (Participation & Rights Worker) from Off The Record took the long jaunt from Bristol up to Preston on Friday (7th Sept) to take part in the ‘Global Conversations – Young citizens, different voices‘ conference at UCLAN – and what a great time we had! We were warmly greeted at the […]