Author Archives: otrbristol

Book Club Blog post: The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender – by Bryony

Hi and welcome to the OTR Book Club blog! The OTR Book Club is for anyone aged 16-25. It is a relaxed, safe space that operates using OTR’s core approach. The OTR Book Club is an opportunity for people to get together once a month to connect with each other and discuss books, as well […]

OTR’s opening times, December 2019

Hey all. OTR takes a bit of downtime over the Christmas / Holiday period and we wanted to give you the details so you know when we’re available. Hubs Our last Hub of 2019 will be Saturday 21st December, and they will start up in the new year again from Saturday 4th January. Services and […]

BLOG: Pedr’s cycling fundraiser for OTR

The amazing Pedr is taking on a fundraising challenge of epic proportions for OTR – cycling from Lima to New York (what?!) – Here is his first blog about the trip and its challenges and highlights so far… My head is pounding hard as my legs feel more like lead weights than the fine engines […]

LGBTQ+ Voice and Influence Partnership (ViP) – announcing our panel!

Monday 2nd September saw the launch for the LGBTQ+ Voice and Influence Partnership (ViP) at Engine Shed, Bristol. OTR is proudly leading on the LGBTQ+ voice and influence of LGBTQ+ people in Bristol working with wider equalities groups to increase representation. Cllr Asher Craig, Deputy Mayor and Equalities Lead, joined us for the launch and […]

Being a Peer Navigator at OTR – Blog by Lily

OTR is a space I needed whilst I was growing up I first heard about OTR as a university student. A few of my friends had reached out to OTR for their support. They had spoken (very positively) about the much-needed warm welcome and the valuable help they had received. My first impression of OTR, […]

One year and counting – a year in the life of a new CEO

I would never put myself into the category of ‘blogger’, but I had a moment the other day where I realised I’ve been doing this CEO ‘thing’ for almost a whole year! It got me thinking about those 12 months, how it has been and hopefully, in writing this I’m not alone with some of […]

OTR is proudly part of ViP!

OTR Bristol is proud to become a member of the Voice and Influence Partnership (ViP). ViP is a collaboration of organisations working to increase participation from equalities and under-represented groups and striving to increase voice and participation from LGBTQ+ people across the city. Working with individuals, organisations and groups, ViP will raise awareness of ongoing […]

A note from OTR on our one-to-one service for 18+ year olds

OTR is making some changes to its services for young people aged 18+, so we wanted to write a note explaining our decision and future intentions. OTR delivers mental health info and support throughout Bristol and South Gloucestershire to young people aged 11-25 years, across a range of settings and using a variety of different […]

New sessions with St Werburghs City Farm!

Are you aged between 18-25 and interested in tackling the rise in loneliness in your age group? This group, from OTR and St Werburghs City Farm, is going to explore the recently reported rise in loneliness in 18-25 year olds and the associated impact on mental health and wellbeing. We will be considering the social […]

A new year message from OTR!

OTR on loneliness

What is often sold to us as the most wholesome, family focussed and loving time of year can actually be really difficult. Whether it be because our family doesn’t look like the ones we see in adverts and can be tough to spend time with, or because we don’t feel like we fit in with […]

OTR on Children in Need 2018!

We’re going to be on your TV screens this week! We’re super-proud to share that this week, young people from OTR’s Zazi project will be on your screens as part of BBC’s Children in Need programme! BBC Children in Need believes that every child should have a safe, happy secure childhood and the chance to […]