Author Archives: otrbristol

Introducing Sylwia!

We have a new member of the team here at OTR – introducing our Community Champion, Sylwia! I am extremely happy and privileged to join OTR in this new role of Community Champion. Here at OTR, we have been extremely lucky to have a wide range of supporters who believe in our values and our […]

OTR’s Summer Zine

Summer can be a really nice time of year with loads of stuff to look forward to. Some of the best stuff about summer are the little things – the every day stuff that we might not think about, but summer wouldn’t be the same without! However, the lack of routine can also be pretty […]

GUEST BLOG: Zinnia’s skin tips

Looking forward to some sunshine but worried about showing your skin? Many young people may experience anxieties around summer with their body, particularly their skin. Check out these helpful tips from OTR’s Peer Navigator Zinnia. Check out the skin positive movement. #skinpositivity is trending on Instagram – all skin is good skin, but it can be […]

Are Mental Health and Art Inseparable? By R.K. – who is an OTR user

We’re proud to host this extended piece of writing from RK, who has been supported by OTR. It’s a fascinating exploration of mental health and art, and how creating art can help the healing process. Thank you RK for sending this in and allowing us to host such a thoughtful piece. Please note: This piece […]

This summer: guest speakers at the #OTRHub!

OTR’s Hubs provide a space to drop-in and chat about all things wellbeing – and also to navigate the groups and support on offer not only from OTR, but from other places around Bristol and South Glos too. This summer, we’re really pleased to welcome some friends from other organisations into the Bristol Hubs. Here’s […]

12 things Mentality do to de-stress!

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week this week (14-20th May), and this year the theme is stress. At OTR’s Mentality Project, we wanted to challenge this theme, and instead of talking about how bad stress is – and how negative it can be – we instead wanted to share some things we collectively do to de-stress. […]

OTR’s Strengths Zine

Strengths are different to skills or talents – strengths are qualities that we have that make up our character. Things like ‘calm’, ‘adventurous’, ‘loyal’. At OTR we often talk about ‘building our strengths’… but what does this actually mean? We can call on our strengths to help us and help others. Knowing what our strengths are can support […]

Come and find out more about NCS at OTR!

15-17? Need something to do this summer? NCS is a 3-4 week experience that helps build confidence and self belief. Live away from home, develop skills and meet amazing people. Food, accommodation and activities all included. 👌 ℹ Find out more: OTR hosts an NCS taster session 12th May 11am-1pm!

‘Mini Monday’ taster sessions in the OTR Hubs!

The OTR Hubs provide a space to drop-in, have a chat and learn more about OTR. In the last few weeks we’ve been running ‘taster sessions’ during our Monday Hubs; a chance to find out about the various groups and projects we offer. Here’s our upcoming line-up for taster sessions across April, May and June:   […]

Our zine on handling stress!

It’s Stress Awareness Month! We can often think that stress is a sign of us being weak or unhealthy. But, stress can be a pretty normal and totally healthy reaction to a number of life things, and a sign that there are things that we care about. We’ve made a new zine where we unpack […]

Pop-up Hub in Knowle!

We’re looking forward to hosting a pop-up Hub in Knowle on 27th March. Come and see us!

Our Inspiration Works Easter half-term timetable!

We’ve got loads of stuff going on over at Inspiration Works over Easter. Here’s our timetable of fun stuff we’re hosting – come along! [click to enlarge] You can find out more about Inspiration Works here.