Back Art, Sport and Nature Programmes

Drop-in or signup?



Art Works 

Sports Works

Nature Works 

Community Partnership Team

Hello! We are the Community Partnerships Team (CPT) at Off The Record.


The CPT looks after the Art Sport and Nature programme in and for communities across Bristol and South Gloucestershire. These projects are designed to offer you an alternative approach to mental health care / support. We aim to offer you a wide range of services to ensure that you can feel empowered and in control of your health and wellbeing, on your own terms. We have a variety of projects, which you can find out more about below, for young people aged 11-25.

You do not need a referral to access our projects as they are all based on a self-referral (you choose what you would like to access and sign up yourself). We aim to make all of our spaces as warm, welcoming and inclusive as possible. We recognise that some young people may face more barriers to joining our projects, so if you would like to talk anything through in more detail, or to find out if we can offer some additional support to ensure you are able to access our projects, please feel free to get in touch.

The projects we run are: 

  • Drop In; You are welcome to turn up on the day
  • Sign Up; You sign up for a set length course
  • Targeted; These are not open to sign ups publicly and are offered to specific groups

We run projects with other community based groups and settings, as well as online.

To find out more and to sign up, please click on the links below for each project:


Art Works is an arts-centred wellbeing project, acting to ensure creativity is accessible to all young people.


Sports Works engages young people through a range of sports and physical activity-based projects to support young people’s wellbeing and ensure physical activity is accessible to all.

Nature Works engages young people in a range of nature-based therapeutic practices and offers opportunities to take action to protect our planet – and feel hopeful for its future.

Why we do it:

Check out our Case Studies here!



More of
what we do